Kafka compatible with S3 or PostgreSQL storage
An Apache Kafka® compatible streaming platform with JSON/Protobuf schema validation, supporting PostgreSQL, S3 or memory storage engines
Everything that you need
Simple stateless brokers that won't keep you awake at night
- Instant scale up or down.
- No more planning and reassigning partitions to a broker as you scale.
- Consensus free.
- Without the operational overhead of Raft or ZooKeeper.
- Stateless.
- Any broker is the leader and ISR of every topic partition.
- Powerful monitoring.
- OpenTelemetry metrics and traces.
- Kafka API Compatibility.
- Supporting transactions and idempotent producers on all storage engines.
- S3 or PostgreSQL.
- No broker replication or duplicate data storage.
Let's work together
Want to learn more about how Tansu can help with your streaming platform?